The morning gets significantly more hectic soon after Neil leaves, the kids and dogs wake up and everyone is hungry. Most mornings the kids and I eat granola with fruit, but once and a while we have left over rice, and when we do they are always more than happy to have a steaming bowl of rice pudding. I don't make it all that often but when I do Kiki can barely wait. Asking over and over if I am making it, and peaking up over the chair to see if the pudding is any closer to being done. Mia on the other hand is just as impatient but more because she just wants anything to eat. We add raisins, apples, bananas, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, sesame seeds, or coconut, it just depends on what is at hand. I know its not proper rice pudding, the uncooked rice simmered in milk, for the better part of an hour, but this quick version is always welcome, and fills us all up just the same.
Moms are often told they need time for themselves, time away from the kids, time to just be an adult. This is something I have always been sort of bad at. Kiki is getting close to three and Mia is more than one now and I can honestly say there have been maybe four times now that I have been with out the children for more than 15 minutes? This is entirely my own fault though. Its not that I could not take time for myself if I wanted to and the couple times I have Neil is more than happy to help with the kids while I go out for a short walk or just stay home while they have gone on a drive. But when it comes down to it, I just end up feeling bad, or worrying. My husband works hard all week as well and also deserves time alone or to rest. And when I am out while my family is all home I just find myself wondering what they are up to and realizing I would rather be home participating in what they are doing.
That is until last week. A friend and I decided that it would be a lot more fun and a lot less stressful to do the grocery shopping together and leave the children to play while a dad or two watched them. It was wonderful. There were no tiny baby bites out of the apples, no little fingers trying to poke holes into the bags of flour, and no requests for things not on the grocery list. As well as giving me significantly more relaxed shopping trip it also allowed me some time away from he children. Time that I didn't not think of what they were up, or worry my husbanded needed a break. We have decided to continue and as often as possible do our shopping together.
It was during this last grocery trip that while looking through the bulk section I decided to get wheat berries. Having not tried them before I spent a fair amount of time reading recipes and different suggestions for cooking (I did not try it this time but a few places I read toasting them in the oven a bit first helps increase the nutty flavor) but settled on this below. Perhaps based more on what I had at hand than what I would have picked but in the end it turned out quiet well, and the next morning I cooked a fried egg up and ate it with the leftovers and some siracha.
Also really just as an aside I love these
Warm wheat berries and roasted veggies
1.5 cups wheat berries
4.5 cups water
1 sweet potato peel and chopped
1/2 a leek chopped
1/2 onion chopped
3 stalks celery rinsed and chopped
3 Tbls olive oil
3 cloves garlic minced
1 tsp fennel
1 tsp sage
1 tsp nutritional yeast
salt and pepper to taste.
chopped green onion
Begin by preparing the wheat berries, bringing the water to a boil and simmering with the wheat berries immersed till the water has dissolved around an hour-ish? once done mix a bit of olive oil and some salt in with the still hot berries. Set aside to cool
While the wheat berries are bubbling away pre heat oven to 375 degrees. Put the chopped veggies (carrot, sweet potato, leek, onion, and celery) into a glass baking dish.
mix together garlic, olive oil, sage, fennel, nutritional yeast, and salt and pepper to taste. Pour the mixture over the veggies and use hands to make sure all the veggies are covered well with the oil mixture.
Bake for around 45 minutes.
remove from oven let cool a bit.
mix with cooked wheat berries and top with chopped green scallions.