Saturday, February 7, 2015

Tuscan Beans and a lemon

Well I have at least started! There is not to much going on yet but I have official started my Etsy page! The Laurel Road hopefully once I get through the process of posting everything I have to sell, and then filling out all the little areas I will get back to making things to sell.

The past week has mostly been taking pictures and figuring out how to really start this. That and some how everyone was sick again. I don't think we can win this winter. I feel like there has been such a small amount of time where everyone felt well and no one had a runny nose or a small fever, but at least living in Oregon means that winter comes to an end far sooner than I am used to. The ground hog has no pull on this part of the world. The warmer weather and all that mud are headed our way soon.

I can't wait to get the girls outside playing more often. The problem with moving to a new town at the start of winter is we missed the whole summer of meeting kids at the playground who would want to come over to play inside through all these rainy days. Luckily though we have a wonderful library program and Kiki has made at least one little baby friend and Mia is really still a bit to young to notice. I honestly think the most awkward part of meeting kids Kiki's age to play with is trying to figure out if I am going to get along with the other mom.

I had never really considered the adult dynamic in a playdate situation. Some one suggested its sort of like dating but with completely different criteria. It less important if both parties have a common interested and much more important to have children the same (-ish) age, which is then followed by if and how well those kids get along (can they occupy themselves for an extended period of time?). Once theses items have been checked off you pretty much signed up to at least have a cup of coffee with this almost stranger and stumble through a conversation, that if your lucky can cover more topics then just your child's sleeping, eating, playing, tantrum throwing (or not?) habits.

I suppose there is the other side to this same coin though. As you bring your kids to different parks or library programs there my be a mom or two there who you always smile at or make a quick joke or two with and always seem to almost get along with. Yet theses moms seem un-reachable. Why? because their kids are not the same age as your kids, or your kids don't run over and try and play with their kids and in fact seem to have less in common with the child that has the interesting mom than they do with cheese ( both of which can be smelly).  At this point though my children are thankfully to young to really have that much say in who they play with, and I think this might be  my only chance to have a say in selecting a mom friend and not just be issued one based on my young child's whims.

In the mean time though, with all the little projects, cooking and baking, runny noses, scraped knees and baby melt downs I don't really have all that much time for a mommy friend as it is. And honestly As I watch the pile of clean laundry grow (going unfolded) turning into more of a mountain and less of a mole hill I am more than happy with two little girls running around under foot a good friend in Scotland, the same in Wyoming  and  wonderful husband who comes home each evening right about dinner time.

And since dinner is a topic always on my mind I should probably share one of our favorite dinners as well. Its a recipe for Tuscan Beans. I am not really sure where I came across it at this point but its one of those recipes that once you have made it, it tends to stick with you. We eat it probably about once a week theses days and always end up with leftovers that either get eaten with a fried egg on top the next morning or turned into something new.

I am not sure how authentic theses beans are now that I have made them a few times but here is the recipe I use.

Tuscan(-ish) beans

2 carrots
2 celery stalks
1 onion medium?
2 cups of great northern white beans
2bay leaves
salt and pepper to taste

dice all the vegetables  and cook at medium low with a little olive oil for about 15 minutes, do not allow the onions to brown.

splash in a little more olive oil, add 2ish cups of white beans, 2 bay leaves and some pepper and stir, let cook a minute or two. (do not add salt at this time, adding salt to beans while they are cooking does not allow them to fully soften.)

Pour enough water into the pot to cover the beans by 3 or so inches. leave on medium low and let simmer for 3-4 hours. Add a little more water here and there to make sure the beans do not get dry, about 5 minutes before serving add salt to taste.

The Beans end up soft and buttery, Perfect with a crusty loaf of bread. Splash a bit more olive oil over the top right before serving the beans and it turns out so nicely. The kids really seem to enjoy this as well.

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